Driverless America is Coming Soon

Right under our noses a new industry with 140 new companies is emerging that will be a game changer in the American economy. Transportation is going driverless and highways will be electrified with a market potential in excess of one-trillion dollars. Today America can not afford to expand or replace its existing infrastructure. It is aged, worn, congested, fragile and yet is the backbone of the American economy. However, we built it on cheap oil and that is changing fast.



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50,000 mile, one-trillion dollar national driverless network

A new all weather, elevated, automated, ground-based transport that is funded by the private sector, is feasible. The new driverless transport industry is projected to grow into an estimated two-trillion dollars in size: mobile industry.

Quotes from the inovators...

“We need to educate motorists on the benefits of autonomous vehicles because consumer trust will be vital to their success.”

- David Williams Technical Director, AXA UK
Nov 30, 2018

“In this era of digitalisation and smart technologies, the use of autonomous vehicles as a mode of transport is not a question of 'if' but 'when'.”

- Professor Chen Tsuhan Deputy President National University of Singapore
Nov 18, 2018

“The safe integration of automated vehicle technology into our transportation system will increase productivity, facilitate freight movement and create new types of jobs.”

- Elaine Chao
US Secretary of Transportation
Oct 25, 2018

Why is This Important?

America has grown by over 75 million people since 1990. In the next 25 years, it will grow more. Where are they going to go? They will add huge congestion to our roads. The transportation systems around which the modern world has been built are on the verge of a significant transformation. Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) are making driving and transport cheaper, more options and safer for everyone and this typifies the future transport framework. Soft infrastructure the realm of concepts, legislation and policies is rapidly evolving to accommodate the demand for global investment in the new infrastructure for driverless transport. We are at a tipping point for change in this industry. In addition, global warming, energy insecurity, and anxiety about economic competitiveness are all converging. The size of the opportunity is estimated over $2 Trillion dollars by Wall Street. In the next 25 years population is expected to grow by 50 million people creating the need for expanding highways and airports. There are 161,000 miles in the National Highway System of which 47,000 are Interstate freeways. We should be replacing 25% or approximately 40,000 miles (averaging 3 lanes) of freeways and highways every 10 years. This is about 750,000 lane miles at $2 per mile per lane mile equaling $1.5 Trillion over 10 years or $150 Billion per year for maintenance. Unfortunately, the United States Budget only provides $115 Billion per year and half of this goes to other uses such as light rail, buses, etc. This is a cause of the deficiency in our road maintenance. Experts are warning that this deficiency has now grown to several Trillion dollars.

Merging the Driverless Car with Elevated Guideways

Every major car manufacturer has their own prototype driverless car as shown below. Driverless cars are expected to increase the volume of traffic at a time when every city has congestion already. By merging both systems into a coordinated mix of ground and elevated traffic there are huge benefits. The first is that elevated systems can move people around town faster that congested roads. The second is that ground based driverless cars can be the missing link to the final destination for elevated systems. Eventually the guideways will carry ground based cars above the traffic and charge their batteries along their route.